So when AR anounced their reboot I figured it would be some gigs in England that I'd not be able to attend, then they decided to actually tour and would play Glasgow, so a wee trip was most definitly in order, I have much love for AR as they were always brilliant live so I was a bit worried that a geriatric comeback might sully the good memories. Thankfully not, they hit the stage with a fire younger bands could only dream of and within about five seconds all thoughts of half arsed cash in reformations were swept away, this was the real deal, a fully arsed cash in reformation for sure. H was as irreverant and non stop as ever and the new guys seamlessly gelled like they were the old guys, I didn't once think this would have been better with Kev or owt. Watching them belt out the likes of Godess, Motherly Love and Humanoia was trult heart warming but it wasn't all teary eyed nostalgia, new song Plan Of The Damned fucking ripped it up so looking forward to more new stuff.
I lost my stagediving virginity to AR in '89 and it seemed fitting to do my first for many a year to them again during Motherly Love, fucking great fun (although slightly creaky in the knees).
Hope to see these guys again soon always the best fun.