Back in the late 80s early 90s I used to correspond with Karl from Bolt Thrower and he would always recommend bands to check out, usually grindcore and death metal bands he'd played gigs with and I generally enjoyed them all. (Apart from Nocturnus) In 1990 Karl told me his mate's band had just recorded a demo and I would probably dig it as it was kinda punky and hardcore, so I wrote to his mate Paul who sent back this tape, The Amazing Mr No-legs. I was a bit cautious to tell the truth, full colour cover and a general air of wackiness abounded. I was more into cheap black and white photocopying and stark and serious shit.

Anyway, I pop the tape in and hit play and despite myself really enjoyed it, a mix of hardcore, punk, metal and acid rock.
Even got a few bonus live tracks on the other side of the tape, sweet.
So here it is dredged out of a box in the loft for the curious among you to try 19 years later enjoy...
The John Merrick Experience - The Amazing Mr No-legs demo
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