This is a great comp of UK hardcore and punk bands from '89. Some more well known bands such as Deviated Instinct, Instigators, Hellbastard, Concrete Sox, Paradise Lost plus some more obscure ones like Anorexia, Insurrection, Hedgehogs etc. It is admittedly pretty patchy production wise as tracks were probably just taped from other tapes (which in turn came from yet other tapes...) but that just added to the charm of the entire UK scene for me at that time, it was completely DIY. There was also an A5 zine/booklet that came with this but I can only presume that is still up in the loft someplace. It gave info on the bands and the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign that the tape was a benefit for, all printed in gloriously shoddy but completely punk Bobprint!

Bye Bye Ronny
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