Tuesday 28 April 2020

Dugong and Torino 74 - Waterfront, Dundee, 2000

Put this one one, one of the Torino chaps got in contact to see if they could come up and them being ex Chopper dudes I was happy to have them, they also brought their pals Dugong up for the trip too.
Lots of babycham was consumed and a good time was had by all, except maybe for Sam from Dugong who wasn't good with spicy food and we had made chilli, was allergic to cats and we had four and our smallest one slept on his face all night plus he forgot his sleeping bag (and didn't realise we had provided a pile of them and blankets too just in case) so he slept with his feet in a bin liner and a tea towel over his shoulders (and cat on face of course).
Poor chap.
At least it amused everyone else...
Both band were ace and played blinders.


Torino 74

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