Wednesday 29 April 2020


Dunderfunk gigs were a party, a riotous party and I'd go see them every opportunity I could after seeing them for the first time at the Edinburgh Venue early 1990. Best times, the christmas parties were ridiculous.
Below is all the photos I took (that I can find for now, sure there's more from the last gig at least) plus their Brick Cat ep, second demo tape, Gie It Some Welly live tape and live tape as their own tribute band The Australian Dunderfunk and some odds and sods of flyers and zine stuff.
Can't find my copy of the first demo but as soon as I do I'll rip it and add it in.

Also noticed in one of the shots from The Australian Dunderfunk gig someone was filming it, why has this never been uncovered? Surely there's video of these guys someplace, need to see it please.

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