First on were a fairly new band, Defense from Fife, a short but enjoyable set of chunky riffs and belligerent shouting. Shows a lot of promise, bassist and guitarist need to get a bit more movement going though...

Defense - myspace
Next on were Lockdown from north east of England, it's a pity more people had ventured out to see them...
Really good stuff, fast and raging and very tight.

Lockdown - myspace
Dundee's own Sunset Squad fronted by the ever pissed Potter were up next. They have a more melodic techy feel to their hardcore and every song is about Chris' discontentment with life...

Intentions - myspace

Sunset Squad - myspace
Final set of the night was from Engage, sorry, Intentions. Fronted by Zoff it inevitably sounds like his previous band which is obviously no bad thing, still think, Dag, Turning Point etc with some more newer styling to the music akin to Champion and Comeback Kid.

Intentions - myspace
Best crowd response of the night went to some old drunk guy that looked like Les Dennis, that got given a mic and seranaded us while Intentions got set up. And they call it puppy looooove.....
"Final set of the night was from Engage, sorry, Intentions" hahahaha
That amused me too! But they are great by any name :)
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