So starting with the oldest dated folder first...
Third of June 2007 looks like I drove through to Edinburgh with (if I remember rightly) Rodi, Potter and Gav for this show. I'd never heard of Iron Lung but the Process and the mighty Atomgevitter were playing as well as Amok Atak. I'd seen Atomgevitter in a small crowded cellar in Edinburgh previously and was totally blown away so was going just for them, the rest were just icing. However the headliners Iron Lung turned out to be some really tasty icing. Heavy as hell and violently pummeling, fast powerviolence with discordant breaks, dual vocals snarled and shouted back and forth, the noise generated by just two guys was astounding. So here's some of the pics i took:

and here's a couple of their tunes to freak out to:
Iron Lung - Lost Appeal
Iron Lung - Polotics Of Science
More pics from the gig to come...
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