Off to a positive start then...
So, why the name?

Well first off it's the title of an awesome 7" by an old UK band called Filler that specialised in feedback drenched melodic hardcore, and is one of my favourite records ever. It really struck a chord with me as a teenager. See most kids I knew back then had a plan, a direction to go in. Friends at school wanted to be doctors or lawyers or teachers, join the police or the navy or whatever. I didn't. I had no plan, I was rudderless, adrift, no aims, no desires. All I wanted was the guitars turned up to 11 and to stagedive as much as humanly possible. Filler were amazing, some of their songs actually hurt you! Peircing feedback bursts over choppy guitars and droned vocals all underpinned by sublime melodies, I heartily recomend getting

Here's a taster, not from this 7" but from MYHC ep : Filler - MYHC enjoy!
I still have no plan...
Secondly this blog has no real aims or desires, I'll use it to reminisce or vent on any subject i feel like. Mostly it'll be about punk and hardcore, old records, new bands, photos from gigs etc as that has always been a big part of my life. Other crap will no doubt crop up, video games, animals, stupid humans, whoever pissed me off that day or whatever...
bit late for this - but CRACKING band! never got to see them live though - where were they from?
Nottingham UK
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